Wrong Turn to Life: Degrees and Despair

Wrong Turn to Life Degrees and Despair

In the present era, thousands of students are acquiring graduation in Pakistan. According to recent reports, almost 5 lac students are graduating from different universities in Pakistan. But, the demand for these students is not comparable to the annually produced graduates which results in a high rate of unemployment in the country.

Current Scenario of Higher Education in Pakistan 

There is a common notion about this dilemma that the government is not taking necessary actions to produce employment opportunities for the bulk amount of postgraduates. If we realistically observe the situation, it is quite clear that statistics about the requirements of qualified human resources cannot match the high rate of production. No matter whether they pass out, graduates can defend their fields of specialization adequately or not but the expectations of getting a job are still on the peak. Undoubtedly, the authorities could not produce a healthy environment for employment, but this is not the only reason for this economic shortfall for qualified youth. One of the basic reasons is the wrong turn to life. Our young generation has specified one path to earn finance which is getting a job. Authorities can’t facilitate millions of degree holders. However, the demands and material resources are relatively shorter. The question arises: what is the solution to cover the gap between needs/demands and the availability of human resources?

Technical Education and Entrepreneurship

The solution under the needs of present circumstances is to acquire technical education or initiate some business. Unless technical education is not promoted along with nontechnical education, we cannot master unemployment. Formal education is verily a key to having a successful life. The importance of formal education for personality development, learning life skills, transferring ideas to the next generation and being a productive member of society cannot be ignored. Besides, the youth also needs technical education to accomplish the demands of individuals and society as a whole. Otherwise, we cannot restrain economic desperation in the society that will ultimately result in various other social problems and evils.

Overcoming Economic Crises

The religious teachings also illustrate that 90% profitable economic earning source is the business while merely 10 % are other sources. Religious guidelines and ground realities are highly correlated with each other in the current conditions. Numerous other sources are appearing day by day with the advancement in people’s lives. Furthermore, the internet has created ease in life; everything can be found on Google or YouTube. Hundreds of ways are available to earn money even staying at home through the Internet rather than working outside the home on a nominal salary. A solution to every problem for earning money can be sorted out through internet guidelines.

Need Patience and Persistence

For this purpose, we need patience and persistence in our work. Otherwise, we will not only fail to earn finance but also waste our material and non-material resources by investment. However, the common notion is about Pakistanis that they do not hold consistency and patience in their life deeds. But I reject this conception on behalf of the educational persistence of Pakistani youth. Our youth are struggling hard even though they do not have opportunities to get jobs simultaneously, the merit and competition are increasing day by day due to a shortage of employment opportunities. This shows that we do not lack persistence and patience, but we have chosen the wrong platform. If the same struggle with the same persistence is executed in technical education or business, we can not only earn a handsome amount for life survival but also result in the growth of the economy of the country. By choosing the right path for earning, a major obstacle to economic development which is a reluctance to initiate small work will automatically be repealed. It is due to the conservative or traditional thinking of our society. Many people want to start a low-budget business but they can’t, due to society’s misconceptions and worthless allegations.


Hence, we need to take a right turn in life. It will not only alleviate poverty and diminish unemployment but also a social change will occur by initiating many small businesses. A collection of successful examples will also motivate people and create a trend towards a business track rather than expecting income from non-technical education.

Available at: http://www.lhrtimes.com/2016/07/01/wrongturnlife/

Primarily Published on: 01 July 2016


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