What is Administration? Types, Characteristics and Functions

What is Administration? Types, Characteristics and Functions

“Administration is a direction, coordination, and control of many persons to achieve some purpose and objectives (L.D White)

Social Administration “It is the instrument and means of bringing social action through the implementation of social policy.”

There are many different kinds. However, they can be broadly divided into two main categories:

Types of Administration

There are two major types of administration which are discussed bellow;

Public Administration

Public administration is one of the types of administration which involves the implementation and enforcement of public policy as determined by those in authority. Indeed, it addresses the challenges and responsibilities of the organization and the management strategies required to implement the laws and policies established by government agencies. Public administration is the practical application of laws and policies. It represents the administrative aspect of a government.

Business Administration

Business administration is one of the types of administration which involves the management and oversight of a commercial enterprise. It encompasses the execution and oversight of business operations and decision-making, along with the effective coordination of individuals and resources to guide efforts toward shared goals and objectives.

Characteristics of Administration

Here are the five characteristics of administration:

Characteristics of Administration

Collaboration of Individuals

As previously mentioned, the administration typically involves the collaboration of two or more individuals. The entire process can be quite extensive and complex, making it challenging to navigate without assistance. Thus, it is crucial for the administration to be comprised of individuals who share a collective objective.

Collaborative Tasks

Administration is a broad activity that encompasses a wide range of responsibilities. However, when there is strong collaboration, tasks become easier and are completed more efficiently.

Have Clear Goals

Activities carried out without a defined goal are a waste of time. Thus, you must set realistic, strong, and flexible goals.

Take Action

Once a goal is set, it is important to make every effort to achieve it. These efforts can involve the development of more detailed strategies, the delegation of duties, the creation of timelines, and other related tasks.

Provision of Guidance and Supervision

Effective work requires strong leadership. A leader’s role is to offer clear guidance towards a shared objective. It is important to closely monitor all activities to ensure they are carried out as planned.

Functions of Administration

The administration process consists of practically employing all available resources, both men and material, in such a way as to achieve the objectives of the agency.

Typical Functions of Administration

The following are some of the functions of administration a sound administration, according to Ray Johns:

  1. Determine the purposes, aims, and objects of the organization.
  2. Establishing the structure of the organization and keeping the organization strong.
  3. Directing the organization’s work by selecting and developing an abled and adequate staff.
  4. Working with boards and committees.
  5. Evaluating the total outcome accurately for established purposes.
  6. Looking ahead and forecasting so that services are kept consistent with changing needs and resources.
  7. Providing financial administration recurring and handling finances.
  8. Maintain effective public relations and proper coordination with other agencies.
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Generic Functions of Administration


Planning means deciding what is to be done in advance. It is a logical process that aims to achieve a coordinated and reliable set of operations aimed at its required objectives. The main activities in the planning are the formulation of strategies and the setting of objectives. 


The administration seeks an organization once the objective has been established through planning. The administrative functions of organizing can be defined as “relating people and things to each other so that they are all combined and interrelated into a unit capable of being directed towards the organizational objectives. 


Directing involves providing instructions and issuing orders to subordinates so they understand what is expected of them as well as guidance and overseeing the subordinate so that he can contribute efficiently to attaining organizational objectives.


It is the act of synchronizing (happening simultaneously) people and activities so that they function efficiently in achieving organizational objectives. Coordination is more important in the social services organization. Different kinds of organizations require different amounts of coordination.


It can be defined as the regulation of activities by the requirements of plans.


A budget is a complete financial forecast of income and expenditure for a particular organization during the coming year. It estimates the proposed expenditure for a specific period and the proposed means of securing income. It is a tool to control the progress of the programs and funds in the budget, and both income and expenditure are kept in view. It is a plan of action. It represents the organization’s blueprint for the coming year, expressed in monetary terms.


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