Meaning of Research: 14 Major Characteristics

Meaning of Research and 14 Major Characteristics of Research

Meaning of Research

In common parlance, the meaning of research is to a search for knowledge or finding and digging again and again. This process involves a scientific and systematic investigation to gather relevant information on a particular subject. Before going towards characteristics of research let’s understand what is meaning of research?

  • Webster’s Dictionary: Research is a careful and critical investigation in the light of newly discovered facts.
  • P.V Young: Research is a scientific method that aims to discover new facts or to verify old facts and to analyze their sequence, interrelationship, causal explanations and the natural law that governs them.
  • Roger Bennet: Research is the discovery of facts through systematic and scientific processes.

Before going towards scope of research let’s understand what is meaning of research? Research is a part of the scientific study/approach. The research investigates and verifies phenomena and realities, the facts about social life, and formulates laws.

After the laws have been formulated, the investigation is carried out, and the interrelationship between various facts and laws is established. Through these steps, we become able to collect data and knowledge about the problem. It provides scientific knowledge about the problem and helps the researcher to find solutions to it. Thus, research has the following characteristics.

Characteristics of Research

Here are the major characteristics of research;

1. Logical Process

In research, knowledge is based on clear evidence of facts. It does not believe in hear & say or second-hand reports. Logic is the fundamental principle of investigation. The assumptions and analyses are predicated on a specific logic. Research is systematic, scientific, and planned, aimed at comprehending the fundamental problem at hand.

2. Objectivity

It means the willingness and ability to see things and situations as they really are. Objectivity in research is the ability of the researcher to keep their personal beliefs and biases separate from the results of their study.

3. Verifiability

The conclusion drawn through means of research is subject the quality of verification. Research that is verifiable allows you to confirm it independently. Not in terms of confirming the scientific conclusions, which are usually only possible after many years.

4. Comprehensive

It means a complete study of a problematic situation. Research is an iterative (repetitive) process. At times, researchers may need to revisit previous stages of work, creating a cyclical process. It should include every aspect of the subject you are researching: origins, type, quality, divergences, relationship of contents, viewpoints/criticism, etc.

5. Measurability

Measurement is the systematic procedure of monitoring and documenting the data that is gathered during a research attempt. In this regard, it is one of the characteristics research to ensures accurate measurement of the facts. Every term is carefully defined, every procedure is described in detail, and every point is carefully recorded.

Measurability in research

6. Systematic

One of the important characteristics of research is adopting systematic procedure. It suggests that there is a logical order to the methods used to conduct an investigation. It is not possible to follow the various phases at random but a systematic procedures is followed.

7. Critical

It is essential to carefully examine the procedures and methods used in a research inquiry. The investigation process must be thorough and without any flaws. The process and procedures must be able to withstand critical scrutiny.

8. Scientific Knowledge

It tries to investigate the relationship that exists between various facts and phenomena of social life. The research aims to establish scientific knowledge. Hence, the purpose of research is to establish scientific, empirical knowledge about the human society.

Thus, the scope of research centers on the use of scientific methods for the establishment of scientific knowledge with the use of a scientific method.

The scientific method is characterized by verifiability, ethical neutrality, accuracy, precision, and objectivity, and it is systematic, its production based on probability.

9. Based on Empirical Evidence

Research studies are based on empirical evidence. Each stage of the research process involves the use of different scientific tools and methods. Each research step is carefully verified for accuracy and relies on observable experiences or empirical evidence. Quantitative research is generally easier to validate compared to qualitative research, which tends to be more abstract.

10. Generalizability

Generalizability refers to the extent to which the findings of a study can be applied to a larger population. During research, a small sample is chosen from a larger target population. Therefore, the sample and the research findings accurately reflect the target population. It is one of the characteristics of the research that collected results can be generalized.

11. Social Life

Social Research is related to social Life. Social Research investigates and verifies facts about society and social interactions. It formulates laws regarding different social phenomena and the principles that guide these phenomena. In social research knowledge is based on clear evidence of facts. It does not believe in hear & say or second hand reports.

12. Social Planning

Social research also covers the field of social planning as social research guides the social planning process. Adequate social planning depends for its success on the systematic knowledge of the social resources and liabilities.

Social planning requires a store of reliable factual knowledge on whose basis the drafts may be designed. Providing such scientific knowledge falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of social research.

social planning in research

13. Social Power

Control of social power also falls, although indirectly, under the scope of social research. Since knowledge is a particular kind of power, social research gives a greater power of control over social phenomena.

Dispelling the trust of outworn assumptions, superstitions and stereotypes by providing scientific and enlightening knowledge is something that, too falls within the scope and domain of social research.

14. Social Welfare

Social research also has a direct implication for social welfare. With a deeper understanding of the causal nexus underlying various social problems, social research provides and can provide a secure basis for effective remedial measures. Thus social welfare also falls within the scope of social research.

It is also the Characteristics of research to provide predictions about social phenomena by way of ascertaining some order among facts. Thus, by prediction, social research has the effect of initiating and guiding social growth towards cherished goals of society. These may be summed up as some important matters that fall within the scope of social research.

Conclusion: Characteristics of Research

Research is an important tool that is used in many fields to carefully look into and gather information about a subject. It uses a methodical and logical technique to gather information and proof. Research is defined by its accuracy, verifiability, comprehensiveness, and ability to be measured. The research tries to build a strong base of scientific knowledge by following scientific methods and building its results on real-world proof.


Research is a scientific way to find answers to questions or try theories. It includes collecting, analyzing, and making sense of data in a planned way.

Being objective means that research should be based on facts and not on personal views or feelings.

  • Verifiability: Other experts should be able to check and repeat the study results.
  • Comprehension: When doing research, all important information and points of view on the subject being studied should be taken into account.
  • Measurability: Research should use measurable data as much as possible so that it can be analyzed quantitatively.

The main purpose of the study is to add to what scientists already know about a subject. We can use this information to figure out how to fix things, come up with new ideas, and learn more about the world around us.


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