Pursuit of Emotions: Love is Fairytale Narrative

Pursuit of Emotions

Love is a natural and universal phenomenon. Probably, everyone experiences love in his/her life but the attitude and experience vary from person to person. Love is a fusion of strong emotions of attachment and affection. Attraction towards the opposite sex is natural even in blood relations. Scientists also coined terms in this regard such as Electra complex (attraction of mother towards son) and Odible complex (attraction of father towards daughter). When a child enters adult age the feelings of love reach on peak and the adult becomes emotional and sensitive from time to time even for different persons during the teen age. The first sight love is very common in this age. Gradually, the bond of love becomes stronger and the individual gets involved in a relationship. While proceeding with such type of relationship individuals get immense attachment which results in to development of blind love. The relationship of love based on soaring emotions negates the faults of the partner and does not care about the set values of society. However, love continues and most often the ultimate result is the expectation of marriage. In some cases, the intention or willingness to have a relationship of love is merely an accomplishment of one’s sentiments.

Expectations are a natural and fundamental component of love. People expect that a lover will treat him/her as a special one, help in uncertain circumstances, take time out for him/her and will also give gifts. When such expectations look to be fulfilled the love grows up. Whereas the adverse situation hurts and creates anger which results in a breakup. The one who is involved in a relationship of love contains feelings of intimacy and care for his/her beloved. Normally, young adults fall in love due to sharp biological hormones or some other factors such as lust, loneliness and family desertion. They seek love and want to be cared for. When someone finds a person who denotes sincerity, care, honesty, and happiness he/she automatically gets involved with that person. As a result of care and providing happiness the individual does not want to lose that special person which leads to develop strong emotional bonds.

A bulk amount of theories with context to love, and attachment, such as intimacy versus isolation in adulthood described by Erik Erickson reveal the value of intimate relations in one’s life. Similarly, Abraham Maslow presented the theory of the hierarchy of needs and demonstrated that love and belongingness are immensely important after the accomplishment of biological and safety needs. There are various ways to express love. Some people express themselves verbally with soft and sweet words and some demonstrate through their acts like helping in a problematic situation or giving gifts or flowers. Moreover, in Pakistan, expressing love through romantic poetry can be commonly observed. Several reasons can be for a person to fall in love or make a relationship. It can be the beauty of beloved, good nature, ideal or similar personality, honesty or prestige. Furthermore, the feeling of love and attraction is not bound by race, colour, caste, or creed. When the right person appears the emotional attraction spontaneously evokes.

The chances to get involved in inter-caste affairs and extramarital relations are generally high among young adults. Although the young adults know that their relationship with the opposite sex would not be accepted by their parents and society due to cultural and religious bindings they are still involved. However, as a result, the ratio of elopement marriages is increasing day by day. The report published in 2022 reveals that thirty-two thousand elopement cases were registered in Pakistan while off-the-record cases would be countless. Additionally, the role of media is very prominent in this regard. The emotional attraction of the opposite sex through songs, romantic movies and dramas that how love brings changes and shines one’s life are the commonly observed features of the media. Most often movies and songs present a dreamy and unrealistic picture of life which instigates immature young adults to think and act like that. Therefore, this is one of the reasons young adults adopt such ways that are against the values of society to fulfil their emotional and physical needs.

Love is an amalgamation of emotions and attraction towards the opposite sex which is a part of human instinct. It is not awful in any context e.g. society or religion but the ways adopted by young adults create disturbance in the social structure of the family and society as a whole. In reality, there is no reality of love particularly in such circumstances where a variety of factors incite individuals to create legitimate or illegitimate relationships with the opposite sex. Basically, it is a process of pursuing emotions.

Available at: http://www.lhrtimes.com/2015/09/11/pursuitofemotions/

Primarily Published on: August 26, 2016


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